Friday, August 29, 2008

youtube videos download

just copy poste the youtube url address into the textbox
and press download button. video should be save by default name in the hard disk and rename later on. (also play associated the video in the
Very useful.
download from the following link:-

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

vb2008: using LinQ

I have now set up a console app to test this piece of code using Northwind as follows:-
Imports System.Data.LinqModule Module1
Sub Main() Dim db As New NorthWindDataContext
Dim Emps = From Employee In db.Employees _ Select Employee
For Each emp In Emps

Console.WriteLine("Code={0}, Name={1}", emp.EmployeeID, emp.FirstName) Next
Console.ReadLine() End Sub
End Module

vb2008: Unable to debug: The binding handle is invalid

Unable to debug: The binding handle is invalid

Open the project properties, Debug, Disable -> "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process"

vb2008: how to retrieve the desktop display settings

use the following code:-

Dim MyScreenSize As New Size(My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width, My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height)